The lab has a critical research infrastructure which enables the activities of the lab members. The main equipment is listed below:
Parallel processing equipment
- Twenty networked high performance PCs for parallel and distributed computing experiments.
- A Computer cluster consisting of eight ΧΕΟΝ 3.00GHz processors forming a parallel processing environment of high performance, enforced with high performance GPUs.
Networking and communications equipment
- Routers and Swtiches (wired, wireless)
- Ten sensor-nodes Sunspot and two trackbots.
- Optical Transmitters and Receivers operating up to 10 Gb/s
- Test and measurement equipment for mmwave and optical communications operating up to 20 GHz.
Simulations and modelling
- Thorough expertise in utilizing specialized software tools for RF planning.
- In house developed software for the analysis of optical communications and networks (including component analysis)
- Thorough expertise in utilizing specialized software tools for network design and analysis (GNS3, Mininet, openflow)